Lite Access Technologies becomes ‘COR’ Certified


“The COR certification program is another example of LAT’s commitment to providing a safe and rewarding work environment for our entire team” States Wade Wurzer, General Manager of construction and design at Lite Access/DSG.

The Certificate of Recognition (COR) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes companies who develop and implement health and safety and injury management systems that meet an industry standard. The program rewards employers who take a strategic approach to workplace safety and are committed to reducing both the human and financial costs of workplace injuries. COR certification is offered by WorkSafeBC and delivered through Certified partners. The BCCSA is the COR Certifying Partner for employers in the construction industry.

Benefits of COR

  • Makes a strong public statement about a company’s commitment to protecting the well being of workers and maintaining a culture of safety on jobsites. A win-win for everyone!
  • Employers who achieve and maintain COR may be eligible to receive up to 15% in annual incentive payment (10% OHS COR; 5% IM/RTW COR) from WorkSafeBC.
  • Over time, with reduced injuries and lower claim costs, a COR company’s experience-rated WorkSafeBC premiums will reflect additional savings.
  • Many clients require their contractors to have a recognized safety program in place as a prequalification to bid on projects; COR meets that requirement.

View the full PDF here: COR Announcement


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